November 19, 2019
By Suzy Loonam
About 25 neighbors traveled in light rain and cool breezes last night to attend the November meeting of the South Norfolk Civic League at the South Norfolk Community Center.
After the pledge and prayer, President Tim Buma called the meeting to order and quickly sailed through the orders of business.
Lake survey shows no need for dredging,
city moves ahead with source testing
Buma said the city had shared with him the results of a lake survey that showed no significant change in the depth of the lake since the last survey. Therefore, city officials say dredging the lake is not necessary.
From here, the city moves on to point-source testing to determine the sources of runoff affecting lake water quality and causing the unsightly algae blooms in the lake at Lakeside Park during the summer.
Buma said the city plans to add an aerator to the lake and continue with water treatments as required.
SNCL election tabled for a minute
Buma attempted to hurry through proceedings to allow more time for the election of new officers. At that time, the group was short one paid-member-in-good-standing of a quorum required by the bylaws, so the election was tabled until later, and Buma moved on to other business.
SN Memorial Library features activities for kids and families; Holiday Tree Gala Dec. 14
Clyde Hunter, manager of the South Norfolk Memorial Library, presented his list of library activites for the weeks ahead.
The biggest event for the library in December will be Dec. 14 when they will present their annual Holiday Tree Gala. Santa will be there talking to the children, and there will be crafts for children, voting for trees (haha, that’s people voting for trees), and live music by Young Musicians of Virginia — a busy day culminating in a Tree Award Ceremony at 4 p.m.

Vehicle Larcenies up slightly
Officer J.K. Mathews, South Norfolk’s primary liaison to CPD, announced a slight uprise in vehicle larcenies over his last presentation, and reminded the group to stay vigilant, watch for suspicious activity, and “Remove it, Lock it, or Lose it!”
He passed out a flier from CPD with an anagram for “CLEAR IT,” to help people remember to secure their vehicles and protect their belongings.

Mathews introduced Officer Robert Falls, one of CPD’s finest, who was temporarily working the South Norfolk beat last night. Mathews wants to introduce all the officers who work in South Norfolk to members of the civic league and the community to help foster good relationships between neighbors and the police who protect them.

He also charged members of the league to bring him 3 issues per monthly meeting.
4 CPD bike officers to join Black Friday community bike ride
Mathews announced there will be four bike officers riding along in the Black Friday Community Bike Ride that is scheduled to assemble at 4 p.m. at the Creekmore Hardware parking lot on Black Friday, Nov. 29. There are no fees and no sign-up. Just show up and ride. You don’t need to know anyone in the group. You will make new friends along the way! All are welcome and urged to participate in this fun, community-building adventure.
MORE city parking being considered
In addition to the parking facility that will be built on Poindexter, Mathews said the city is considering making improvements to the parking lot at Philips Street and Seaboard Avenue. If the city does repair the lot, it will be available for the public. But, Mathews says, while the “no trespassing” signs are going to happen, the parking lot improvements are still just being considered.
The “no trespassing” signs that will be posted there will assist police in keeping the area safe for everyone.
No CAST participation in South Norfolk this winter
The Chesapeake Area Shelter Team (CAST), a group that helps house homeless individuals on cold nights, will not be picking up or dropping off at any locations in South Norfolk this winter.
While many consider CAST to be a life-saving program for the chronically homeless, the numbers of homeless who were left in South Norfolk in the morning was problematic for some.
The library was forced to keep restrooms locked with keys available at the front counter, and other businesses were saddled with homeless loiterers during the day.
Thanks to the new “We Care” Resource Center, 1468 South Military Hwy., Chesapeake is providing new services to the homeless, including hosting the CAST program for overnight stays during extreme inclement weather. And the restrooms at the library have been unlocked.
Prior to the opening of the city’s resource center, area churches donated space to house the homeless on cold nights. That is how South Norfolk came to be a pickup and drop-off place for some of the city’s homeless. And this is how the city’s resource center has greatly helped South Norfolk.
Watch for digital speed signs, they’re collecting data on you
Mathews brought a portable data-collecting digital speed sign to the meeting and said he would be putting the signs around South Norfolk.
The digital signs record speeds, dates and times, providing CPD with valuable information to plan speed enforcement endeavors. If you want CPD to put one of these speed data collection devices near your house or some other trouble spot, drop Officer Mathews a line.
Volunteers needed for making seasons bright with new wreaths
Buma announced that the garlands and lights the league has been putting on Poindexter light poles for the holidays are being revised into wreaths to make them more resistant to tampering.
The SNCL has purchased about 70 wire wreath frames, and will recycle the used garlands into new lighted wreaths.
Volunteers interested in helping make the season bright for residents and visitors should plan to attend the wreath-making event, set for 6:30 p.m. Dec. 2 at the South Norfolk Community Center, 1217 Godwin Ave. in Portlock.
Finally! A quorum!
Tired Joe Josue saved the election by running down to the community center to join the vote.
Dawn Morton was reelected to the position of chaplain. Reginald Moore was elected parliamentarian and Vicki Josue was elected treasurer. Other officers will be reelected or replaced when current terms expire in coming years.
The meeting adjourned about 7:45 p.m.
The next SNCL meeting is a potluck!
The next meeting of the South Norfolk Civic league is not one you should miss! It is a community potluck, the food is SO good, and everyone is invited!

The potluck dinner will be Dec. 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Norfolk Community Center, 1217 Godwin Ave., in Portlock. Bring a favorite dish to share. Please come and dine with your neighbors!