Never in the 14-year history of this website did we ever imagine we’d be reporting in a pandemic.
But, here we are, and here’s how the virus from Wuhan, China has affected Historic South Norfolk.
Generally, barber shops, nail salons and beauty parlors – some of South Norfolk’s most active businesses — are closed in compliance with special orders from Gov. Ralph Northam. Also closed are day-care centers, schools, libraries, and churches.
Quick-T’s, a popular local business, was forced to close their store temporarily, but if you need their services, please call 757-543-7243 and leave a message. This is the sign they erected in front of their store.

If you have children, we are sorry. You sure have your hands full, don’t you?
Schools are offering learning packets so parents can continue the lessons that began pre-pandemic, and so students can continue their studies until it is safe for children and teachers to meet in classrooms again.
Meanwhile, teachers are learning new and creative ways to stay connected to their students, and some students are using technology and the internet to continue their studies. To access the online packets, please visit the Chesapeake City Public Schools website.
Some teachers are also learning that teaching from home is challenging, but perhaps not quite as challenging as teaching their own children.
Northam is the nation’s only medical-doctor governor, and he has been holding press conferences on national television networks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p.m. Tune in for the latest Corvid-19 news from the state.
Though South Norfolk’s churches are closed, Portlock United Methodist Church will present Easter Sunday worship on Facebook Live at 11 a.m.

More than 6 million people applied for unemployment nationwide last week. We don’t know how many South Norfolk residents have been displaced from their jobs, but numbers are likely significant and reflective of national averages.
So, many of us are stuck at home, out of work and up to our elbows with a house full of kids. Hopefully, we are all safe at home, wearing our face coverings when we must get within 6 feet of others, and staying well.
If you are struggling with unemployment, here are some resources for you.
In the latest report, Chesapeake Public Schools says they continue to provide meals each weekday at no cost to anyone 18 and under at 16 different meal distribution sites across the city. They ask that families practice physical distancing when visiting these sites to ensure the safety of all involved, and they thank the Chesapeake Police Department for their assistance at these locations as CPS school nutrition services continue to serve the school community throughout the closure.

In South Norfolk, Buffalow Family and Friends will continue to distribute emergency student lunches Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 513 B Street.
Meals are free for anyone 18 and under.

The Cruisin’ Café will be serving grab-and-go meals at Portlock Primary, Monday through Friday at approximately 10:30 a.m. and at Rena B. Wright Primary at 11 a.m.
Also, in South Norfolk, the Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore will be distributing food April 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Southside Baptist Church, 1200 Bainbridge Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23324.
Sadly, plans for a weekly open-air farmers’ market at the Gateway Building had to be revised. Starting April 15, Healthy Chesapeake is shifting to an online farmers market, accepting online orders to be delivered to locations in South Norfolk for pickup.
Oddly enough, there is a need for clients needing Meals on Wheels on the South Norfolk and Wingfield Avenue routes in zip codes 23324 and 23325. There are currently a total of 11 clients on these routes, with a potential for 22.
Anyone making less than $1k/month qualifies for subsidized meals ($3/day for 2 meals; $75 one-time refundable security deposit upon sign-up). Anyone making less than $600/month qualifies for free meals (no security deposit).
Call 312-6458 to apply.
While many stores in the area have closed, some restaurants and bars with food service have shifted to take-out and delivery. These businesses need our support now more than ever. If we missed your business, we’re sorry! Please add your business and phone in the comments.
Please call or visit websites for more information. Click phone number to call. Click name to visit page (if there is one).
If we missed you, we are so sorry! Please add your info in comments below!
Chen’s Garden Restaurant – 543-4948
Poindexter Grill – 470-5656

NEW! Spuds – 667-1002
HERE WE COME South Norfolk! Spuds Fresh Fries will be at 1110 Poindexter Street Serving delicious Burgers, Fresh Fries and MANY other menu items 11 til 3. Come buy your neighbor lunch! Call in orders and you don’t have to get out of your car!
Supermart – 494-3932

ForKids, the organization that’s building a $22-million facility on Poindexter, was forced to convert their annual art auction fundraiser into an online event on April 11. They still had a successful event, raising $978,000.
Construction at the facility continues.

Though this will not be called the 22nd Street Bridge, construction continues on the new railway overpass that begins at Poindexter and Liberty Streets. According to the city’s website page for the project, completion is now slated for July 2020, a recent (and quiet) change over the original completion date of May 2020.
What will it be called, anyway?

A community clean-up, planned for April 18, has been revised. There will still be a clean-up, but residents are urged to pick up litter in their own yards and nearby areas in need of attention.
Speaking of clean-ups, the company that distributes the Savings Weekly was put on notice for improper delivery recently, when dozens of the papers were spotted on medians and in roadways in South Norfolk. The papers were retrieved by the company that distributed them.
If you would like to stop the distribution of the Savings Weekly, there is a petition you may want to sign. CLICK HERE for petition.
The South Norfolk Civic League, scheduled to meet Monday, April 13, has cancelled their meeting for April. They had planned to have a forum of city council candidates, but will publish a little from each candidate on their Facebook page instead.
Follow the SNCL Facebook page for updates.
At this time, local elections are still scheduled for May 5. However, Gov. Northam has recommended that the election be postponed from May to November.
If the election continues as planned for May 5, the Virginia Dept. of Elections is recommending that everyone vote by absentee ballot for their safety. CLICK HERE to apply for an absentee ballot.
Our pharmacy at 2544 Bainbridge Blvd. Ste B, near Food Lion is open as usual. You can reach them at 757-312-6790.

There’s some fun to be had outside in South Norfolk! One neighbor and her kids decorated their sidewalk as an activity area and invited any passers-by to join in the fun!
Others are placing teddy bears (or any stuffed critter) in windows and on porches to go along with a kid’s book called, “We’re Goiing On a Bear Hunt!”
CLICK for YouTube video of the book.
This concludes our April News Briefs, but if we left anything out, or if you have questions, please add in the comments.