Take your kids to one of the many parks in South Norfolk…
Atlantic Ave. Park
1412 Atlantic Ave
Campostella Square Park
2019 Windy Road
Cascade Park (ball field)
1401 Hoover Avenue
Cascade Blvd Play Area
1060 Cascade Blvd
Consolvo Park
1800 Bainbridge Blvd
Elizabeth River Boat Ramp & Park
1400 Elizabeth River Way
James W. McNeil Park
1059 Cascade Blvd
Johnson Park Play Area/Shelter
1006 Grady Street
Lakeside Park
1441 Bainbridge Blvd
Plymouth Park
605 Pond Lane
Portlock Play Area
1217 Godwin Ave
South Hill Play Area
820 Bannister
Sunrise Hills Play Area
2831 Sunrise Ave
Wilmund Place
4172 Williamson Street
This information comes from this page of the City of Chesapeake’s web site.